Vendor: Runtoelectronic

SAI533-H53 Yokogawa Analog Input Module

SKU: SAI533-H53
In stock: 8
  • Brand: Yokogawa
  • Item No: SAI533-H53
  • Type: PLC (Analog Input Module)
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Service: One Year Warranty
  • Quality: 100% New And Origin
  • Delivery Time: 1-3 Days
  • Condition: In Stock

The product information includes details such as the model, type, warranty, service, quality, delivery time, and condition. Additionally, there is a section titled "General" that provides further details about the product, such as its model, type, number of channels, output range, accuracy, data update frequency, isolation, HART communication, power supply, weight, operating temperature, and ingress protection.

Furthermore, there is an "Additional features" section that highlights additional features of the product, including dual redundancy capability, a wide range of connection options, support for PST (Partial Stroke Testing), and the ability to withstand high voltage.

Lastly, there is a section titled "Why choose us?" that outlines the reasons to choose this product, including an extensive product range, premium quality assurance, a 1-year warranty, responsive service, swift delivery, and secure packaging.